Swimming with the Razorfishes

Monday, April 12, 2004

Schmuck: ...Our software will be more like a ... uh ... model of the ... uh ... real world!

Boss: Hmmmm. Software that looks like a model of the real world eh?

Schmuck: Yes sir.

Boss: Would it be easier to understand then?

Schmuck: Yes sir.

Boss: Will it allow junior developers to program like experienced developers?

(Aside to audience) If this is true, I'll be able to fire all these expensive software geeks and hire kids right out of school!

Schmuck: Well, sir, that's possible, yes. Our software would be much easier to understand since it would have a much better structure and have it's...

Boss: (Eyes glaze over, foot taps.)

I just read this short article by Rob Martin regarding modeling the real world with OO languages. Funny stuff. Funny because it is true.

I wish he'd write more in his 'blog. Most of his stories are short like this.


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