Swimming with the Razorfishes

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

"Now, doing market research is a very good thing, but was that all they went on? Once you get past the whining freeloaders who reject all pricing as improper, the heart of the issue is that while MT is the flagship of the massively connected conversation movement, it appears that the organisation driving it is now powered by more conventional forces such as the requirements of the VCs funding them and as such has dropped out of the conversation. In these Cluetrain days, that's fatal. It's not enough to listen to the conversation; success in business will increasingly depend on participating in the conversation." [via WebMink]

Yea, that's great. Love the groovy "participate in the conversation" talk.

But I can't eat a fucking conversation.

All the people who work on MoveableType have to eat. And pay rent. No amount of Cluetrain logic will turn us all into air ferns. Sometimes I get nervous about how much business planning has been based on a book that, by all appearances, was written by four guys taking acid.


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