Swimming with the Razorfishes

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Just when I think cynicism has reached new heights...

Chicago Republican party members are encouraging Alan Keyes to oppose Barack Obama in his senate race.

Sure, this makes sense. The Republican party would encourage Alan Keyes who:

  • Worked in the Reagan administration to oppose sanctions on South Africa.
  • Paid himself a huge salary out of campaign funds while the campaign was accumulating large amounts of debt.
  • Opposed all forms of sex education in schools.
  • Is a resident of Maryland.

...to run against Barack Obama because, you know, Keyes is black. Here is the utter cynicism of the morally bankrupt Republican party. Rather than think of the good of the people, members of the party think Obama Barack is a threat not because of his policy positions, not because of his popularity, not because of his abilities, not because how he connects with the public, but because he is black. I'm sickened.

"It would be a classic race of conservative vs. liberal," said state Sen. Dave Syverson, a member of the panel looking for a candidate to go up against Obama. "It would put this race on the map in this country -- just for excitement."

That is how the Republican party selects its candidates? Just for excitement?

There are many thoughtful, moral members of the republican party who believe the good of the country comes before politics or simply "winning." Where have they all gone? Where are the conservatives who don't agree with the direction their party is headed?

"So I think that there are circumstances under which it is essential, in fact, that we have and apply the death penalty in order to send a clear moral message to people throughout our society that we will not tolerate that kind of disrespect for life."

Alan Keyes, talking about his position on abortion. Ah, yes. We will steadfastly defend the sanctity of life by killing people. To send a clear moral message. This sums it up for me.


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