Swimming with the Razorfishes

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Highlights of the debate (for me):

  • Bush's "Texas" accent getting more pronounced, then disappearing.
  • Bush shouting at the audience.
  • Bush shouting at the audience and holding his left arm straight out for minutes at a time.
  • Damn! The internets! Damn you, Bush, for letting the secret out.
  • Bush shouting down the moderator. Good impulse control, man. I'm glad you have the launch codes.
  • Kerry blanking on the word "paralyze." Making a valiant attempt to pantomime "spinal cord injury" with a chopping motion to the neck.
  • Bush referring to Kerry as "Kennedy."
  • Two WTF moments, in frighteningly close proximity: battling green eyeshades and off-road diesel engines? Are we still speaking English?
  • Bush's flop sweat as he tried to make up some kind of pro-environment policy (Ii was actually for the environment before I was against it).
  • Bush making some kind of point based on a Supreme Cout decision from the 1850s.
  • Kerry looking deeply, lovingly into the camera. Clever Republican tactic to frighten the public.
  • Bush failing, once again, to admit that he has ever made a mistake. Holy shit, Rove -- you knew this one was coming. Have an answer, stupid.


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