Swimming with the Razorfishes

Thursday, February 03, 2005

It is always the people with the biggest personal issues, the ones working the hardest to repress their own nature, who make a big deal out of things like gay marriage.


  • the red states saw gay marriage on the ballot and came out in droves to vote for dubya...That's not really what happened. A substantial portion (at least 20%--it's had to tell for sure) of those who voted against gay marriage voted for Kerry. In those states where it was on the ballot (which only represented about 15% of the total electorate, and and not all of which were "red" states), amendments banning gay marriage were far more popular than President Bush. The gay marriage issue wasn't nearly as decisive in last year's election, nor was it as beneficial to the President, as many pundits suggest. People were drawn to the polls by the Presidential election, and in those states where it was on the ballot, most of the voters--whether they voted for Bush or Kerry--voted against gay marriage.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:39 AM  

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