Swimming with the Razorfishes

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

What the fuck is wrong with these companies dropping Kate Moss after "discovering" that she was snorting cocaine?

What kind of asinine, duplicitous hypocrisy is this? What on Earth did these fearful people at H&M, Chanel, and Burberry think was going on? This kind of manufactured outrage makes me sick.

Imagine living in an insipid world where your livelihood depends on something as intangible as beauty and as ephemeral as youth. Imagine what an upside down, value deficient crowd that is. Living life as a coat hanger surrounded by sycophants.

I'd get stoned.

Shame on you bastards at H&M, Chanel, and Burberry for enabling that world then acting shocked when someone snaps a photo of it.


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