Swimming with the Razorfishes

Monday, March 20, 2006


I just received this e-mail. I really can't tell if it is spam or not.

From: Betsy White
Subject: hard-line tortuous
Date: March 20, 2006 3:59:57 PM EST
To: me

Please p ut lar ge text wi th desc ri pt ion with l ong l ines.

I have p rogr ammed a really nice progr am that remotely le t s you man a ge files a s if y ou have direct . I know the re a re othe rs like i t, but here is t he fu nc ti on I made fo r this progr am to copy directories ; it will likely need twe a king to w ork as a stan dalone sc r ipt, s ince it relie s of va riables set by my p rogr am (eg : loc1 -- which dynami cally chan g es in my program):


order infringement to specify your own ErrorDocuments, you need to be slightly familiar with the server returned error codes. anew (List to the right). You do not need to specify error pages for all of these, in fact you shouldn't. An rolemodel ErrorDocument for code 200 would cause an infinite loop, whenever a page was found...this would not be drunken good.


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