Swimming with the Razorfishes

Friday, March 25, 2005

I'm starting to rewrite two applications, combining their functionality into one, shiny new app.

One of the old applications was written in Java, targeted for Mac OS 9. OS 9 had a utility that took a Java application and wrapped its classfiles, classpath, jars, etc... into a single, double-clickable file. It made the Java app behave more like a native MacOS application.

This utility, JBindery, took your stuff and output a single file, the default name of which was "JBoundApp." Sort of a generic name, just in case the developer was too dim to assign a real name.

Well, this application that I'm rewriting was distributed to the users using the default name, so now they all call it "JBoundApp," like you'd call spreadsheet software "Excel" or a word processor "MS Word."

I wonder if this happened anywhere else? Are there people out there firing up their copy of a.out?


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