Swimming with the Razorfishes

Friday, September 12, 2008


Buy now, it seems that everyone has commented on Charlie Gibson's interview with Sarah Palin.

Here is what struck me about the interview and the "bush doctrine" gaffe.

When Gibson asked Palin if she "agreed with the Bush Doctrine," it was clear she had no idea what he was talking about. No clue. Nor did I know what the "Bush Doctrine" was. Not the point.

What struck me was her reaction.

In a moment when she could have acted with honesty and integrity, she chose to ad lib. She chose to fake it.

Rather than ask Gibson what he meant, she, effectively, chose to lie.

Don't debate her obvious and utter lack of qualifications to be Vice President. Don't question how a rational person could, as she claims to, have no doubts about her readiness to be Vice President. Don't comment on the absurdity of equating proximity to Russia with foreign policy experience. Don't even question how the Republican party has managed to field another candiate who has never crossed the ocean to visit another country.

Why are we not talking about why Sarah Palin's first instinct, her snap decision was to lie?

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Per Diem

"Schmitz, 63, also gets a monthly per diem of $3850 to cover travel and lodging when she's doing the people's business in Montgomery, more than 200 miles away from her home district near the Tennessee border."

So is it monthly, or is it a per diem? I can't believe that she gets $3850 per day.

As much as I like articles making fun of the Bushies, someone really should edit this stuff.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Separated at Birth?

I don't see the resemblance.

Some do, though.


FHFA statement (via Ofheo's site) regarding putting Fanny and Freddie into conservatorship. [update: details from Treasuy]

Some interesting points:

  • Herb Allison and David Moffett will be CEOs of Fannie and Freddie, respectively.
  • All common and preferred stock will remain outstanding, but dividends will be eliminated.
  • The U.S. government will obviously be guaranteeing debt.
  • Political activities, including lobbying, will stop immediately.

Secretary Paulson will announce the details of the plan, but it appears to be a federally-backed backstop for Fannie and Freddie, allowing them to continue operation and hopefully reducing their borrowing costs.

Big stuff.