MacBook Pro
MacOS 10.5.5 -> Vista running in VMWare -> RDP into XP workstation -> XTerm in Hummingbird
Need to middle-click to paste into the XTerm.
Other than plugging in an external mouse, this had never on the MacBook. I just tried it on the new MacBook and it worked. I'm not sure what changed and where it changed, but command-clicking seems to emulate an XTerm middle-click in this scenario. And that makes me happy.
MacBook Pro
MacOS 10.5.5 -> Vista running in VMWare -> RDP into XP workstation -> XTerm in Hummingbird
Need to middle-click to paste into the XTerm.
Other than plugging in an external mouse, this had never on the MacBook. I just tried it on the new MacBook and it worked. I'm not sure what changed and where it changed, but command-clicking seems to emulate an XTerm middle-click in this scenario. And that makes me happy.